•ISTQB (International Software Testing Qualifications Board) - Foundation Level•Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering - Foundation Level•MCSA - Microsoft Certified Solution AssociateoTroubleshooting / Supporting Windows 7 in the Enterprise 70-685oInstalling and Configuring Windows 7 Client 70-680•ISO/IEC 27000oFoundation Certificate in ISMS•ISO/IEC 20000oConsultant/Manager Certificate in ITSMoProfessional Certificate Management and Improvement of ITSM Processes•ITIL V3 ExpertoITIL V3 Managing Across the LifecycleoITIL V3 Continual Service ImprovementoITIL V3 Service OperationoITIL V3 Service TransitionoITIL V3 Service DesignoITIL V3 Service StrategyoITIL V3 Foundation•Six Pack / Six Sigma•PersonalführungoFührungsverhaltenstrainingoGrundsätze und PraxisoGrundlagen der Personalführung•Interkulturelles Training D / USA / Korea / ChinaDiverse Betriebssysteme und Applikationen